Tech and travel




Some pictures of a trip to Fortaleza :

't is heet hier

't is heet hier

jwhich : which for Java


This little ksh script can be used to find which class file is in which jar file in the current directory. Useful if you have a lib directory full of jar files and your program says ‘cannot find class xxx’. for jarfile in `ls *.jar` do echo $jarfile ":"; jar tf $jarfile | grep -i $1; done; Save this to a file (eg jwhich), set the permissions to execute. make sure it is on the path and then type : > jwhich customer

Redirecting in HTML


If your website has moved to another place, it is useful to add a redirect. This can be done by adding the following line between the tag of your homepage : <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="10; url=http://www.your_redirect_url"> The url ‘www.your_redirect_url’ has to be changed so that it points to your new location. The content parameter indicates how long is paused before redirecting. This parameter, which has a value of 10 here, can be changed.

Easter Island


Some pictures of a trip to Easter Island:

Statue in Rano Rakaku

Statue in Rano Rakaku

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