Tech and travel

GNU chess and xboard on eee PC


The eee PC is a cool little machine. It boots up in 20 seconds, weights about a kilo and it runs Linux. What else do you want in a netbook ?

A chess program would be a nice addition. Here I’ll show you how to install GNU chess and xboard.

  1. First download the following packages :
You&#8217;ll need to download the i386 architecture package. </li> 
  1. Next, open the file manager. Right click on the gnuchess package and select ‘Install DEB file…’ . After a while a message will be shown saying it was successfully installed.
  2. Do the same for the xaw3dg package
  3. And the same for the xboard package
  4. While still in the file manager, click ctrl+T (control t). This opens the console. In there type xboard
  5. A chessboard should now appear :

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